Virgo, the virgin is the sixth sign of zodiac and is a dynamic earth sign. It is ruled by Mercury which means they are intelligent, communicative, observant, analytical, and helpful but at the same time skeptical, fussy, inflexible, cold, and interfering. Mercury is exhaled in this earth sign which gives them practicality and perseverance. Mercury can also makes Virgo fickle minded and restless. Virgo usually have a good memory. Virgo is analytical. Before taking any decision they always consider pros and cons. Virgo mind is very powerful and their mental setup decides the things that will happen in their life. If they have a positive attitude towards life, they can become a pleasant and well-adjusted person whereas if they are being negative, life can seem dull and they can become moody and unattached. Virgo is prone to deny their feelings. They just stop giving a closer look at their feeling and keep on saying they are okay when they are actually not. They are unpredictable and they got a unstable temperament.
Virgo Taurus Compatibility
Virgo and Taurus both being earth sign has a lot of similarities in temperament. Both are slow movers, practical, down to earth, cooperative, dislikes extravagance and recklessness. According to a few sites the duo could be long-lasting but personally I doubt. May be the duo has a few similarities but will the fire ever ignite if both are sooo cautious and analytical in nature? They will keep on thinking about pros and cons and somebody else will come and win the game. Anyway if they are together somehow they might be alright. Virgo will be initially attracted towards Taurus for their magnetism but when they will find out the possessiveness Taurus have, they will resent it. Taurus resists the critical nature of Virgo but sometimes likes the insight they have. Taurus and Virgo both are caring and passionate.
In case of Taurus man and Virgo woman, it is quite a stable combination and ideal too. Though the great flirt Virgo can rage Taurus sometimes as Taurus is possessive about his girl but Virgo will learn how to control that quick enough. The main plus point of this duo is they understand each other very clearly. Both are repellent to change and risk. Both develop a small but sincere circle of friends and loves to spend time at their cozy corner. They love to work together in their day-to-day life and facing challenges and solving problems together. Taurus will stay romantic for quite a long time and Virgo will enjoy that. In bedroom Virgo will have to be patient as Taurus is very passionate and invincible. Virgo might have to teach him how to blend and merge with another person as this does not come to Taurus naturally. Slow nature of Taurus might make Virgo restless but Virgo should remember that this slowness is not dilemma or lack of concern. It is just caution and conservation.
In case of Taurus woman and Virgo man, they blend quite well too. Being a perfectionist Virgo man misses what is going around him. So ladies, expect him to forget your birthday even sometimes. This nature makes them look like they don't care but deep down they are very emotional and caring lover. Do not be deceived by their flirt. Being a earth sign Virgo is very stable. Taurus woman is graceful and a great companion. When she is with Virgo she doesn't get flowery expressions but gets the stability and sense of security she seeks. Virgo can be shy when it comes to the sex part. This might make her feel neglected but it wouldn't take Taurus long to learn the nature of Virgo and soon she will start taking the lead. Sometimes Virgo is very restless and frantic. Though Taurus is like a pillar and it is not easy to move them but the excessive frantic nature of Virgo can make her agitated and angry. Without these little glitches they share quite a bliss.
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