Being Taurus is never an easy job. Being aware of being taurus is rather tougher. People think you to be snob, picky, introvert, over-smart, flirt, unethical, short-tempered, headstrong (in a negative sense), self-centered, selfish... the worse is when you know or feel what people think about you. It makes you uncomfortable, confused, and sometimes... just detached.
Taurus characteristic
The main trait of a Taurean is being stubborn. They usually have a bulldog tenacity. When they decide something or commit something they fulfill it any cost. Sometimes it cost them a bit more than blood and sweat. This nature delude them to be dominating. Trust me, at the bottom of their heart they do not want to dominate others. They just sometimes forget its not their decision to make.
Another trait of Taurean is being patient. It makes them look like spineless sometime. People around them keep on thinking why they are not reacting to a certain situation whereas they should have been much before. Taureans are just patient. They do wait sometime for the situations to be solved on their on. They believe that time is a true healer. If you can pass the bad time everything will fall back into the right place. Oh Taurus!!... My dear little stupid Taurus, nothing falls back into the right place on its own dear... Its high time u realize that honey!
Taureans are a bit earthly. That means they take less showers than other 11 zodiac signs :P. In most cases, they are down-to-earth. They are kind of user-friendly and as a side effect of that, sometimes very badly used, literally.
Taurus is good with words. They posses good voice quality and excellent communication skills. They are usually aware and proud of that and use that skill to attract other people toward them. They can be excellent writer, manager, or even leaders because of this quality. But when it comes to revealing their inner self they are least communicative. They never reveal their true emotional and passionate self in front of others. They simply would not go to such place where they need to show their tender inside. They are too afraid to be vulnerable.
Taurus is unruffled. They do not get agitated or lose their mind very easily. They are scared of losing their temper as they think it is another sign of their emotional vulnerability. But if the Taurus "loses it," they charge with such a force or rage it just leads to kaput! They cannot do pre-planned attack or verbal assault. They just lose it for the time and bangs through instantaneous destruction.
Taureans are homesick. They love their cozy corner. They can spend their entire life n a small boundary being in harmony. Though they are very wanderlust soul, stability is a very important thing in their life. They will go travelling or for short trips but at the end of the day they will seek their ever-known cozy corner of the house to sleep.
Relationship means a lot to my darling Taurus. It is like their fuel. They seek the need to exist from the relationships that binds them but they are not fond of sloppy or melodramatic expressions of love. They sometimes cannot express themselves properly as they fear of being too corny.
Taurus is a big foodie!! They love all the things roasted, boiled, fried, cooked with lots of spice. I guess they are the innovators of "comfort eating" :P. They have a sweet tooth all the time. Its like the true spice of their life. Its not only the good food that they are fond of. They love all the good things. They love to see happy-ending movies, melodious songs rather than death metals, fine clothes, shiny jewels, and work of art. They have a need to possess all the things they find good or beautiful. It makes them look like materialistic in true sense but it is just an expression of their sensuousness. They do not like ugly or cheap things.
Being ruled by Venus, a lover Taurus is physically very passionate, sensuous, and fond of "good times" but unfortunately they do not have imagination to match their libido. Mentally, they are rather conservative in their approach towards Love. They like to be in a trustworthy and stable relationship. Open relationship is a not their cup of tea. It is said that a Bull is very jealous and protective of its lover. Its somewhat true. Taurus is jealous, but who's not?? Taurus is no more jealous than the other 11 signs. It is just that they can never master the delicate art of scheming. They just handle it so poorly and displays it in an aggressive manner. To them a commitment should be a commitment and the person who commits should understand its responsibility.
Last but not the least, Taurus thinks he knows the most. Well, I don't think I should comment about that being a Taurus myself. In most cases they have the wisdom to understand the inside story of a given situation but being aware of this natural sensing capability can delude them into believing something which is not true. I think, Taureans should restrict themselves before opening their mouth to give some "Pravachan."
(Picture courtesy Anupam Das)
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